Sunday, January 28, 2007

Pattern Investigation - India

Grade 3 and grade 4 are working on a very interesting topic called Pattern Investigation.

They are trying to create different patterns with the help of Colors, Clay, Paper, Leafs, Glasses, Vegetables and many more things found in the Environment or related to our Culture in India.

Let me give you an Example.

Heena of grade 3 is creating a pattern with the help mehndi.

Steps to follow are:

Collect some mehndi in a cup.

Pour some water.

Mix them together to make a paste.

Pour it in a conical shaped polly bag with a small hole on the tip of the cone. keep it a side.

Trace your hand on a chart.

Create a design of your own imagination.

Let it dry.

Cover with a transparent sheet.


Type of leaf -- Environment

Mixing water with measurement -- Maths

Creating a design -- Develop the skill to imagine and create.

Tradition to apply mehndi on hands before marriage - Culture
Try it !! it will be a great fun and a new thing to learn